Hello everyone,

I originally got into hammocking as a way to relax once I hit camp during overnight backpacking. I realized that I enjoyed laying in my hammock more than the thought of setting up my tent and laying on the hard floor! I've been a casual lurker in these forums. I was never able to view attachments in the past so I figured it was time to get serious and register!

I started out with an eno doublenest as my casual lay, but have since graduated up now that I'm hoping to make this more than a fantasy. I went after the Dutchware Chameleon w/ the beetle buckle system and a sym. top cover. I'm realizing now I should have done the bug net with the summer coming upon us. Whoops! That'll be the next purchase. I wanted to have my first outting this weekend so I ended up running to REI and picking up a Profly tarp, which I know isn't the best and coverage will be close since the Chameleon is an 11', but there was a sale and I'm impatient! A tarp upgrade might be the next upgrade after the bug net (or sooner?). I've even gone as far as making the DIY Gemini under/top quilt. I'm curious how it will work since I'm 6'2". It might end up a little short, but that's what we're here to find out.

With all that silliness out of the way, I do actually have 2 questions.
1. Are there any major items I'm missing? I have the Hammock, bug protection, rain protection, and warmth protection covered. Maybe I'm missing something?
2. What are some good resources to find out the best places semi-local (southern WI/Northern IL) to get my outdoors fix? I know there are campgrounds abound, but I'm hoping to find some things a little more secluded and in-tune with nature. Sometimes this will be solo, other times I may bring a few companions that I'm trying to get hooked.