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  1. #1

    Henessy Classic bug net

    When I bought my Jungle Expedition Zip I got an Expedition Classic for free. Yeah, lucky me!

    I'm meeting a friend tonight that just might want to take the classic off my hands. I want to know what to tell him about how it differs from mine. I don't want to hang it since I may need to sell it on the net and then I want to be able to sell it as new and unused. Since I haven't even hung my own yet, fetched it last evening, I'm bound to drop it and get it dirty and it may also show in other ways that it has been hung.

    I understand how the way you enter the hammocks differs. I know I can fold the bug net away on the zip if I don't want to use it. I guess that's not possible on the classic. But can you lie on top of the net if you don't want it over you? Will that harm the net?

    We are both star gazers and like to sleep with nothing between us and the stars if the circumstances allow.

  2. #2
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    Don't lay on the net - it's not designed for that.
    Last edited by SilvrSurfr; 01-24-2019 at 00:29.
    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. #3
    OK, suspected that. Thanks.

    So, it's net up all the time, can't get rid of it when not wanted?

  4. #4
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    You can get 2qzq to mod it for you, but that's about it.
    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. #5
    Got it. Thanks for your help.

  6. #6
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    You can also fold the classic version so that you can use it as a "lounger" and lie without the bug net, as instructed here:
    However, since you fold the hammock in half, there's less space so you probably don't want to spend your night like that. Also, I guess the hammock cannot have too much stuff inside when you fold it (I personally have a zip version, so I'm just relying on the information on the web page and Hennessy videos.)
    Last edited by bitti; 01-24-2019 at 01:42.

  7. #7
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    Hi Wheelie... (Yes, I´ve read the post on B.R.O.L about the hammocks and the upgrade...). Congrats on the new hammock. I have a Jungle expedition zip, and you will love it... Sadly I´m too far away to offer you to go trike-camping together, but we can send pics to eachother! Have fun, my friend!!

  8. #8
    Ooh! My worlds are colliding!
    (Travesty of George in Seinfeld)

    Hope you are right - about me going to love it. You should know. And thank you.

    I'm pretty much set on my top insulation. Now I'm looking for a pillow. Oh, it never ends, does it?
    Last edited by ThreeTracks; 01-24-2019 at 07:21.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by bitti View Post
    You can also fold the classic version so that you can use it as a "lounger" and lie without the bug net, as instructed here:
    However, since you fold the hammock in half, there's less space so you probably don't want to spend your night like that. Also, I guess the hammock cannot have too much stuff inside when you fold it (I personally have a zip version, so I'm just relying on the information on the web page and Hennessy videos.)
    Yes, I've seen that but I don't see where the net goes. Is it at the far side of the hammock and not between the folded hammock fabric?

  10. #10
    Senior Member dakotaross's Avatar
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    Had a classic at one time, never used it to lounge or as what I would call a side chair. In fact, I really don't use any of my hammocks to sit in other to put on shoes which you can do in the classic, its just in the middle facing the end of the hammock and not the side as you typically see in pics. In fact, one could sit and cook or do whatever they want to in the classic. Clearly you have to be able to sit in a hammock to put on shoes, get stuff adjusted, fiddle with stuff, whatever. I never saw much difference sitting in the classic as opposed to sitting in an open hammock, with the exception of lounging, and I'm just sayin' its not necessarily a big deal on that.

    I do want to caution you or your friend who might own it that the 2QZQ mod is worthwhile. When you start using an underquilt, you'll need to be able to reach out and adjust it, which you can't do in the classic without zipper mod on the net. Unless you use a JRB Nest made for the classic or the HHSS which shouldn't need adjustment, and even then, its still nice to have the mod.
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