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  1. #1
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    3rd Annual Loco Libre Gear Piney Woods Hang, Batona Camp, NJ Nov. 2,3,4, 2018

    I brought beagle Joey to the LocoLibre hang, and we arrived about 6:30 pm. It was raining, so Joey stayed in the car while I set up my hammock and tarp. He was very patient.

    Then we started visiting everyone. Joey got to eat smoked pork loin, sausage, beef stew and Lord knows what else. He really enjoyed himself. Ratdog came around at some point and said there was a tornado coming our way, but he didn't have many details, like when the tornado might arrive. In fact, he wasn't sure if the text he had received referred to a past event or a future event, since his cell coverage was spotty. Anyway, no tornado arrived.

    Joey and I got to bed about 12:30 am, and Joey slept like a rock, as did I. It rained pretty hard, making for great sleeping weather. I had to get up and water the lillies around 5 am, and took Joey with me. It was still raining, so we sat under my HG Winter Palace cuben fiber tarp and listened to the rain for a few minutes. I told Joey it was time to go back to sleep, and for the first time in his life, he jumped right into the hammock and went to sleep again! It was unseasonably warm, 67 degrees at 5 am.

    Around 7 am, njredneck stopped by, as I had requested, and said, "Coffee's ready." We headed over to njredneck's military surplus tent for fresh-ground Booskerdoo coffee, sausage gravy, and pancakes. Of course, Joey had a plate of sausage gravy - he would not be denied. The rain stopped, and the weather started changing, probably dropping 20 degrees between 5 and 8 am. I had to add a few layers to deal with it, and put on Joey's fleece jacket.

    Jellyfish came by with Dutch oven-baked sticky buns - always a pleasure. Then I took Joey on a couple of walks in the woods - he can't believe all the strange new things there are to sniff in the Pine Barrens. Around lunchtime, we stopped by njredneck's tent, just in time for grilled Cuban sandwiches with pork loin, pickles and I don't know what else. It was delicious, and of course, beagle Joey got his share.

    Around 5 pm, the raffle was held. I won a Sven saw and a pocket bellows. Some people found it funny I would pick those prizes, since I generally don't cut wood and spend even less time maintaining a fire. There were lots of nice prizes - four quilts from Loco Libre, and a cuben fiber Hex tarp from Dutch.

    Dinner soon rolled around, lovingly prepared by njredneck. There was beef stew, chili, and chicken Jambalaya. I prepared a bowl of beef stew for beagle Joey, and left it on my car hood to cool. Then I went back and got an excellent bowl of chili to eat while waiting for Joey's beef stew to cool. Jellyfish made a couple of pots of Dutch-oven baked mac and cheese - I was lucky enough to get some. People inhaled that mac and cheese!

    After dinner, we circulated around the campsite visiting people, and it seemed like everyone had something for Joey to eat. He really gorged himself. Several people brought their dogs so there was plenty of socializing, sniffing of butts, etc. As we gathered around the main campfire, Joey started humping my arm. I've never really given much thought to humping. Joey usually does it for about 15 seconds and gets bored. However, jellyfish told me that Joey was demonstrating his dominance over me, and highly disapproved of the humping. So no more humping for Joey - thanks Jellyfish! Joey's really mad at you.

    We went to bed around midnight. The winds were pretty high - excellent sleeping weather. The temps got down to 27* F, and beagle Joey spent the entire night in the footbox of my topquilt. He doesn't like a cold nose. At around 7 am, some idiot set off the alarm on their car, and it took them at least 30 seconds to figure out how to turn it off. So that pretty much woke up the entire campsite.

    I went over to the group campfire for my first cup of Booskerdoo coffee, because Joey wasn't going back to sleep after the car alarm. As soon as I got to the fire, PlusOne said, "Sorry about the alarm." So now we knew the culprit! If that alarm had gone on for another ten seconds, I think PlusOne would have become MinusOne, missing some appendage from a disgruntled hammocker who was not pleased at being roused from a deep sleep.

    I packed up the hammock, tarp and quilts, then took beagle Joey on a walk to the Experimental Field. Why do they call it Experimental Field? Joey definitely likes Experimental Field. Then we made the last round of visiting campsites to say goodbye to dogs and campers. Joey got to eat some more pork, and a sausage, and chowed down on a couple of steak bones. As usual, Joey slept like a log on the ride home. He's always so excited when he knows he's going camping that he can't sleep at all, but on the way home, it's lights out.

    Beagle Joey is definitely exhausted from the group hang. He's been sleeping all day, with just a couple of walks to relieve himself since he was bloated with all the food he had eaten. Thanks to GeorgeCarr and njredneck and everyone else for a wonderful hang.
    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  2. #2
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    This weekend I learned a few things about my new-to-me truck.
    1. If you lock or unlock the vehicle with the key fob, the tail lights, head lights, bed lights and interior lights turn on light a Cape Cod lighthouse. Campers loves that, especially at night, parked in my campsite with hangers in all points of the compass. Sorry to everyone who got blasted by light as my daughters and I were getting ready for bed.

    2. Using the key fob makes the truck chirp to let everyone know you're locking and unlocking your vehicle.

    To avoid chirping and beaming everyone after a good night's sleep, I thought I would try a different approach to entering the vehicle when my daughter asked for more layers in the cold morning air. I would just use the key and quietly open the door to get a couple extra layers for my shivering daughter. That was the impetus for my third discovery:

    3. If you stealthily try to unlock the doors with the key, after locking the vehicle with the fob, it's sets of the freaking alarm. Well, first it gives you 5 mini chirps to let you know all hell is about to let loose.

    4. The only way to turn off said alarm is to reverse the entire process. First close the door, lock it with the key and then mash every button on the fob until there is silence.

    With my whole being, I am sorry for such an abrupt morning wake-up! It was nice getting to know you, but I'll be in a hole somewhere hiding. At least this is a forgiving group and the incident will be quickly forgotten and never spoken about again, right? ...... anyone?..... Buehler?

    In all seriousness, this was a great weekend for my family and I (minus the truck alarm).
    My wife and littles got to see why daddy loves camping in the woods: The great food, the friendly people, and the great outdoors. My wife got to learn about dutch over cooking. My kids met a new friend and got to play tag and hide-and- seek in the woods. I got to meet new campers and tried my hardest to get them hooked on hanging. And we got to sit around a fire, listen to great tales, and laugh. Thank you to George, Mike, and everyone else who worked hard to make this happen. Thank you for those who shared their talents and knowledge, and to everyone for their hospitality and patience as my children invaded your campsites to pet doggies, play cornhole, or just see what was going on.

    After we packed up Sunday, my daughters asked if we could go for a hike. We walked a short mile down the trail along the lake (stream?, beaver dam?) and the girls got to hear what nature sounds like, with very little human noise permeating the air. Standing there, looking at the water, both daughters said they loved this and want to go camping again real soon. Score one for daddy! A little later, we kicked up some ducks, which lead to the question "Daddy, what is the Jersey Devil?" We left without answering that question, wrapping up a glorious fall weekend. Thank you all for the camaraderie. And I look forward to the next time.

    Post Script: When we got home the girls insisted on hearing the story of the Jersey Devil. We watched a short video from PBS about Jersey folk lore. They asked some questions, and later we went to bed.
    This morning one of them looked a little ragged as I got them up for school. "Daddy, I couldn't sleep ALL NIGHT because I kept thinking about the Jersey Devil".

    So maybe they won't be joining me on the next rip after all!
    Last edited by PlusOne; 11-05-2018 at 09:09.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Uphill's Avatar
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    3rd Annual Loco Libre Gear Piney Woods Hang, Batona Camp, NJ Nov. 2,3,4, 2018

    I had a great time getting back in the woods after a long hiatus (adulting gets in the way of enjoying life sometimes).

    I was concerned when temps didn’t drop below 67ish Friday night that the cold I’ve come to associate with hangs in the Pine Barrans wouldn’t be part of the weekend, but I was happy to have to bundle up Saturday night as the mercury dipped below the 32° threshold.

    As always, excellent food was consumed. Jellyfish’s Dutch oven mastery included her bread, sticky bunz, sugary doughnut ball things, and the delicious Mac n cheese. I can always look forward to delicious meats being cooked over the campfire from thick sliced bacon, flavorful sausage and kielbasa, perfectly seasoned and cooked steak. Saturday breakfast of savory sausage gravy over pancakes with syrup was an excellent start to the day.

    I picked up Y Not’s honey in the raffle, and made some delicious honey garlic and honey pepper chicken wings when I got home.

    Honey pepper wings on the left, and Honey Garlic wings on the right.

    Weekends like this remind me why I am hooked on hanging, and I can’t wait to be back out between two trees.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Uphill; 11-05-2018 at 09:04.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uphill View Post
    I picked up Y Not’s honey in the raffle, and made some delicious honey garlic and honey pepper chicken wings when I got home.
    What was his brand name for the honey? I'd love to get some, but my daughter took priority with her pillow a the raffle! lol.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Uphill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlusOne View Post
    What was his brand name for the honey? I'd love to get some, but my daughter took priority with her pillow a the raffle! lol.
    Look him up on Facebook. Anthony’s Local Honey is his page name.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Senior Member jellyfish's Avatar
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    Yup, made ‘em
    Thank you George et al for putting on a fabulous hang. Had a great time, slept solid in the pines, and enjoyed seeing everyone.
    I sew things on youtube.
    I don’t sew on commission, so please don’t ask. Thanks.

  7. #7
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    What bad weather? It was beautiful the whole time I was there. Not even enough wind to bother setting up the Tato Stand Spinnaker Spillover lab.

    I was fortunate to spend some time with familiar folks and meet some new ones.

    I learned that fire can be suspended above the ground and that I may have a campfire size comfort limit.

    I slept well in my XLC v2, AHE 3s Jarbidge, and Mamba 20 with the temp dropping to freezing. While startling, the 6:30am car alarm reveille was really more like 7:30 with the DST change and helped me get home with enough time left to blow and mow the yard.

    Thanks monkeynono for Attachment 169568.

    Thanks to y not for the raffle honey and to Pine Barrens Outfitters(?) for the raffle shemagh.

    Thanks to njredneck and jellyfish for their fine fare.

    Thanks georgecarr for hosting this event again.

    PlusOne: jellyfish gave you a new trail name. You should embrace it as it will be a lot funnier (and fun-er) if you fight it.

  8. #8
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    Which one did you all settle on? I heard a few going around as I made my apologies that morning

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlusOne View Post
    Which one did you all settle on? I heard a few going around as I made my apologies that morning
    I like MinusOne - not quite a full dozen there!
    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlusOne View Post
    Which one did you all settle on? I heard a few going around as I made my apologies that morning
    jellyfish suggested CarAlarm. I like it but if that's completely out I offer reveille.

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