Wow Jdurth, what a great project and a great opportunity you have at your school to pursue this type of education. I am actually surprised at the initial responses you have received. But they too are a great part of this education process. Any new idea or pursuit will come with plenty of criticism and nay sayers the will try and discourage you. This is already been done, this is not needed, or your crazy and have not clue what your talking about. Let me encourage you to push through all that and persevere. Funny I was just watching a documentary on Frank Whittle just before seeing this post. He had his detractors in spades but still changed the world.

Back to your project, It is intriguing and has merit. There may be some similar ideas out there but none are exactly like you are envisioning. I would engorge you to set out and identify the design space you want to attack. i.e. do not try to make a one-size fits all design. Refine you goals to say design a insulation free hammock to perform in the 65F to 50F or even down to 40F range.

Items that may be a challenge include how to make you air chambers sealed, yet allow them to pack down. (flexibility in the fabric) will continued folding and flexing cause leaks.

The post that dismissed this idea saying air insulation is not viable does not correct but is not 100% wrong. Air makes a great insulation, however, the practical experience expressed highlights another issue you will need to solve. That is how to control convection in the insulation layer.

Let me conclude buy reiterating my encouragement in pursuing this idea. Go for it. make it happen and ignore those that say you can't.

For my colleagues here on this forum, please remember, this is a high school project, where would you be if you had people around you that encouraged you instead of knocking you down. Where would the Tenashedron stand be if we gave leatherdome this kinda of initial feedback a year go.