My ideal setup would be to hike alone. Well, I bike actually. Or trike really. But it would be nice if company could suddenly emerge when I rest and in the evening. Not always, just from time to time. I like to ride alone, at my own pace. But I sometimes get bored when I feel I need to sit still and rest for an hour or two. Or long hours in the evening at camp. As long as I'm moving I'm fine. That has the consequence that I don't rest long and frequently enough. If I did I would be able to go farther in a day. I think.

On the other hand, if I meet strangers they are more likely to talk to me when I'm alone. I think in general people are more prone to strike up an conversation with a single person than with a pair or a group of people. Of course, if you are hiking far from civilization you aren't likely to meet anyone so...