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  1. #41
    OlTrailDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QFT View Post
    I have yet to find a hammock that is not prone to a bit of knee hyperextension. If you have a solution that doesn't involve stuffing something under my knees I'm all ears. I've tried fiddling with lay and raising the foot end and changing positions in the hammock.
    My solution that would be of most interest to you would be that I lengthened the ridge line on the WBBB XLC's I've owned and on the DH Sparrow. I did the initial testing with an 8" CL girthed onto the ridge line. Now that I know it works for me I replace with a whoopie style ridge line that is adjustable. For the WBBB XLCs I can still use the net/top. But for the DH Sparrow the net/top no longer fit. However, having a comfortable hammock is the priority and one of these days I will either modify the net/top or have the Smurf's make me a custom top if they are willing.

    For the Hammocktents (HT), which is my most comfortable and most used hammocks, I shortened the suspension strands in a progressive arc from my butt to my lower calfs. I've modified an Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Gamma UL v.1 and Gamma UL v.2. I did the same for the Exped Ergo. The WBRR was passed along for someone else to enjoy.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by OlTrailDog View Post
    My solution that would be of most interest to you would be that I lengthened the ridge line on the WBBB XLC's I've owned and on the DH Sparrow. I did the initial testing with an 8" CL girthed onto the ridge line. Now that I know it works for me I replace with a whoopie style ridge line that is adjustable.
    That is very clever. Thank you, I might order an adjustable ridgeline and play with it. Just curious, how much longer did you end up with?

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by QFT View Post
    That is very clever. Thank you, I might order an adjustable ridgeline and play with it. Just curious, how much longer did you end up with?
    Unfortunately I don't quite remember. I measured it on another thread, but I don't remember what where or what that was about. I currently have been sleeping in a new hammock design. Plus, I'm in the process of insulating, sheetrocking, and taping my home, i.e. everything is stored or a mess. Consequently, I don't really want to swap hammocks right now.

  4. #44
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QFT View Post
    Could you expand on why the No Net and Switchback may not have this problem? I'm shopping for a new hammock soon and this is my biggest comfort issue.

    About the bridge hammocks... my biggest issue there is the only real lightweight one is the HammockTent Gamma 90, which I owned, and that one definitely had knee extension issues.
    I do not know. They do have 2(maybe 3) things in common: "only" 10 ft long, and an end channel type suspension rather than a gathered knot. Also, they are both relatively narrow, though the Claytor, at only 48" wide, is several inches less wide than the SB. Does any of that have anything to do with their consistent comfort for me? I have no clue. If it is length, then that would conflict with the experience of many people here who apparently got rid of, or at least reduced, calf ridge by going to an 11 ft hammock. Me, 2 different well know brands of 11 ft hammocks, calf ridge is still an issue. BTW, HT Gamma 90 is not a bridge hammock. I have been readng about the knee extension in those, I just got a used Gamma 90(not UL) a couple of days ago, and my 1st couple of impressions with no pad was no knee extension or calf ridge, felt about like a bridge hammock. (And for sure, with an inflatable pad, none at all.) So that has got me wondering why no knee extension? I'll have to give it another try and pay more attention.

    Quote Originally Posted by MAD777 View Post
    It's true that Switchbacks have zero calf Ridge. It's magical. I've owned two of them. Even dissected them to find the secret, couldn't find it. But it works. Switchbacks also like to be tensioned a bit tighter than normal, about 25° instead of the customary 30°.

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    MAD, ditto on the tighter tension on the SB, same on the Claytor. They are both fine for me with a normal amount of tension, but seems to me like I get a tad more leg comfort when they have a bit less sag than most of my other hammocks.
    Last edited by BillyBob58; 08-31-2018 at 12:25.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBob58 View Post
    I do not know. They do have 2(maybe 3) things in common: "only" 10 ft long, and an end channel type suspension rather than a gathered knot.

    My Dutchware netless has an end channel, the CL passes through it and is larksheaded, which cinches the end together pretty tight. I'm wondering if I actually craft a CL through it, if it will compress the end of the hammock less, and lead to less calf ridge? Does that sound similar to your hammocks?
    Last edited by QFT; 08-31-2018 at 13:30.

  6. #46
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QFT View Post
    My Dutchware netless has an end channel, the CL passes through it and is larksheaded, which cinches the end together pretty tight. I'm wondering if I actually craft a CL through it, if it will compress the end of the hammock less, and lead to less calf ridge? Does that sound similar to your hammocks?
    Not sure what you mean. It has a CL through the end channel which is the Larks headed, and you are thinking of crafting a CL to pass through the end channel? Isn't that the same thing?

    But, yes, pretty much the same. They are also compressed pretty tight when weighted, both Claytor and Switchback. So I have no idea if this is why they have so little calf ridge, or if it is something else. Who knows? But the Claytor is not Larks headed on the foot end. Here is a pic of the foot end of the Claytor, you can just barely see the end of the hammock with the rope going through the channel and then going from left foot end around the tree and back to the rt foot end, where it is a slippery 1/2 hitch through a bowline knot in the same rope/webbing. The other end is a piece of some strong cord(can't remember, not Amsteel) Larksheaded at the channel and then attached to a cinch buckle and straps.

    I think the Switch back is a Whoopie Sling Larksheaded through the channel.

    But you know, it could be the length to width ratio, or the material the hammock is made from, or some combination of several different factors. I don't think i will ever know.

  7. #47
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    I believe the Switchback uses less stretchy fabric than most hammocks that I've seen. Does the Claytor use a stiff fabric?

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  8. #48
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD777 View Post
    I believe the Switchback uses less stretchy fabric than most hammocks that I've seen. Does the Claytor use a stiff fabric?

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    I can only say that it does not feel or seem very stretchy compared to some I have laid in. Maybe that is the mystery factor.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by XJ35S View Post
    looks like they are $0.73 each and sold individually. Shipping is high though.
    Shipping is high? Really? Just $125 for a small, light, $0.90 item. Totally reasonable.

    I live in Australia and am used to paying big shipping costs, but this one...woah.

  10. #50
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    Another variation on this idea - ordinary balloons in a large dry sack. I tried it with three balloons, inflated to about 2/3rds. No noticeable deflation over night, and the dry sack kept the balloons together perfectly.

    The fact that the balloons are single-use is bit sad though.

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