Going to do some mountain camping in the Cascades and it rains... alot. I don't care if it the items are silpoly or silnylon. Would like the doors to be brown to match my mamajamba, but don't really care about color if I go with the tarp options
Going to do some mountain camping in the Cascades and it rains... alot. I don't care if it the items are silpoly or silnylon. Would like the doors to be brown to match my mamajamba, but don't really care about color if I go with the tarp options
Last edited by stevewar; 03-21-2018 at 16:35.
I have a 30d Olive Brown Silnylon door kit set I bought for my mamajamba, but have never used. I’d be willing to sell them for $60 shipped to you.
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I'll take it. Please pm me paypal details.
purchase complete. Thank you