Just a shout out to COGS for pulling through when the chips were down. Chad makes my pouches for my folding buck saws I sell and I had my big show Oct 1-8 and he was working on a deadline to get me two dozen of them in time! Well, wouldn't you know it, two weeks before the show started his thread injector crapped out on him! He had to wait until the Friday the week before to buy a new one and then marathon the pouches to get them done. He did it and got them to me two days into the show and my dadinlaw drove them up to me along with Chad's new stickers and business cards. I had a few already of the pouches, so my display was fine and once I got the order the display was great! Thank you Chad and I'll be sending more business to COGS without reservation in the future!

PS: Pretty sure he is sick of making bucksaw pouches by now...