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  1. #1
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    Towns-End Luxury Bridge

    Town's End Luxury Bridge Tester Wanted (BIG GUY Bridge)

    Hello everyone- I'm looking for one, possibly two big guys (325+) to continue testing on the Big Guy/Luxury Bridge hammock I am working on.
    There are currently roughly 40 of these in the wild and the testing overall is doing very well.

    The testing has expanded beyond the original "Big Guy" concept. There are some single layer Hybrid 1.7 and Hex 70 models out (roughly 225 and 275lb comfort limits respectively) as well as a few "unique testers"... some extra tall, extra short, or even some folks with some physical issues similar to what leads others to prefer hammocks. So overall... the product has morphed into the "Luxury Bridge" as I am running into just as many people looking simply for more room, space, or comfort as I am running into folks simply looking for bigger weight capacity.

    Some pictures and info in the attached link:!Apygyt54yYPwg4tUiQQ-mi9wtMxgFQ

    I did however have two of my original 14 "big guy" testers drop out and would like to get those hammocks to a new tester to continue to see how they hold up.

    Tim (Mountainhanger on the forums) used the hammock for a good few weeks as an indoor sleeper. Tim has more or less established the outer limits physically of the bridge. He is BIG GUY, lol. Tim is a big ol slab of defensive lineman sized fella a good bit over 6' with big shoulders. When measured he was roughly 42" tricep to tricep on his arms when standing straight. To give you an idea that's roughly an 85" inner circumference sleeping bag. Tim was up around 360lbs and filled the bridge edge to edge... he found it very comfortable and easily slept in it for 4-6 hours at a time. However he'd wake up and just find himself feeling a bit confined as there was not any wiggle room for him to move around at all. He did really enjoy and tried to make it work (came up with a nice semi-side sleeping trick) but ultimately had to call it quits as he wasn't getting a full nights sleep in it.

    On the plus side: There was no wear and I have at least two other 350lbs testers going strong.
    Tim continues to test my "Just a Quilt" summer synthetic in "Big Guy" size and that is working well for him in his GE.

    The other tester dropped out because he simply couldn't get used to the bar over his face. This is common with a recessed bar bridge like this one and some folks simply won't like it. It is what it is... without the recessed bar design the bridge won't have all the other features. That said... I am currently testing a neat solution for those under 6' tall to literally convert the bridge into a totally different model. Might be a picture or two hidden in that folder.

    I've had two folks poke holes in the bridge so far (another recessed bridge issue). If the pole is not fully seated in a recessed bar bridge it can fall into the body of the hammock... and when you get in... it will shoot through the fabric if it gets trapped in there with no place to go. One tester said it sounded like a gun went off on his single layer hex 70. He did send that one in for a patch and so far so good.

    On the plus side of that... one big guy tester (300+) who is using it as a nightly sleeper has 30-45 nights in it now with a hole in it! We are just going to try some tenacious tape on his and let it keep going.
    So while I still caution you to double check your poles before each use... it's pretty encouraging to see a 300 pound guy using a bridge with a hole through both layers pushing it so far without issue. While I like my design... 99% of the credit should go to Kyle and his Hybrid 1.7XL. This really is the perfect bridge hammock fabric.

    SO... looking for at least one tester to continue on with Tim's bridge (maybe two). You need to be able to use the bridge several times a week. Weight close to 350lbs I have several good 300+ testers and beta customers already- what I am looking for is some limit pushers.

    For everyone else... I'm debating a second limited beta run. So if you might be interested in purchasing a beta version of this bridge (hang at your own risk, product duration unknown, etc) please let me know. I have one or two loose single bridges left but at this time I am totally out of double layer bridges so I'm considering another 10-20 if there is interest. This next round will probably go $275 shipped and include the Structural Double layer Hybrid 1.7XL bridge, 3/4" Easton pole set, Storage/RL bag, Adjustable RL and a quilt kit.

    There is a bug net out to 20+ testers and so far so good with that.
    I have two prototype tarps; but these fit pretty well under a standard 12' RL tarp so that doesn't seem to be a priority for anyone as they tend to have something that works.

    Quilts remain an odd duck... many folks are doing just fine, a few folks struggle with it. Some just use pads. I'm reluctant to attempt a custom under quilt at this time; only because I couldn't produce it in any volume at this time. I'm focusing on getting the Primaloft Gold Summer Quilts going I've been working on and letting the Luxury Bridge continue developing as that's been a happy accident, but not a product I had planned to work on, lol.

    Big thanks to Mark for pushing this idea here on the forum and talking me into trying this... and to all those who volunteered after him to test the limits of bridge design with me. This experiment has been very personally rewarding hearing how much a good nights sleep can improve somebody's experience in the woods and at home. Or more importantly... get somebody back in the woods who's been struggling with it. I've always been a mildly skeptical/reluctant hanger as I personally had any serious issues on the ground but doing this hammock I much better understand what a difference it can truly make for some and why so many folks are so in love with their hammocks!

    PS= for those who have asked.... I do have a few medium bridges in (hyperD 1.6) recommended to about 180-200lbs comfort rating for $150 shipped.
    However I put the medium sized (Ariel sized roughly) bridge and the Micro Bridge (lightest bridge in the world) designs on hold in anticipation of Kyle's 1.0 Robic replacement.
    If that fabric turns out as I suspect it will... it will really change the game with those products so I have ceased developing them until the fabric is out. But when it comes... I'll probably do a round of testing and will need some dummies!

  2. #2
    Senior Member mountainhanger's Avatar
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    Excellent Bill!!! Anyone have any questions for me just shoot me a pm, Bills craftsmanship and product ideas are above and beyond, like he said tho being bigger then the average bear I've found the limits....Hahaha. his quilt is working beautifully and is a step further in tq designs especially for us bigger guys and for summer tq can't be about that underquilt for gathered

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
    It's not the boulders that throw us off balance, it's the pebbles beneath our feet

  3. #3
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    another tester here...

    wanna know how comfortable this bridge design is for big guys? since I got it I haven't used my BBXLC once! it's that nice. seriously...

    and a little bit of something here that big guys will appreciate - it's easy to get out of! that, my friends, is not to be taken lightly...

  4. #4
    gunner76's Avatar
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    I would love to help test it but I am only 295 right now.
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

  5. #5
    Senior Member BigE94's Avatar
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    OK, I'm your man. Floating at a cool 355 right now and 6'3. Currently experiencing some shoulder squeeze and would love to try out a bridge. I'm sleeping in my GE Hex70XL 3 to 4 nights a week.

    I have made and bought quite a few gathered ends. Haven't found a bridge that would hold me.

    Appreciate the opportunity.
    I would rather be in the woods... my dog would rather be in the pool. My wife thinks we are both nuts.

  6. #6
    Senior Member gargoyle's Avatar
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    I'll test out your hammock.
    PM enroute.
    Ambulo tua ambulo.

  7. #7
    Senior Member mountainhanger's Avatar
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    Lol thanks gargoyle, and I second him to test, alot of knowledge there...good luck!

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
    It's not the boulders that throw us off balance, it's the pebbles beneath our feet

  8. #8
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    I am the tester that shot a pole through the side and have used it since: I did just repair using the tape Just Bill sent - but i didn't really need to: the hole did not expand (great material!!) and I had mostly forgotten about it. BUT, I have learned to check the pole placements every time, without fail! Ain't gonna do that again!

    The hammock is super comfortable, I sleep the best I have in years and the workmanship has finally allowed me to relax and not worry that I am gonna flop around and rip it! Wonderful concept and execution!


  9. #9
    335lbs here. I am all over on different forums by the same name. I could try it out.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Towns-End Luxury Bridge
    Tim, Ray, and Paul- Thanks for chiming in!.

    Gargoyle- I'll definitely be reaching out- local boy and with such a distinguished character witness how can I pass you up, lol.
    BigE94- I think I can get you one... give me a few days to see how things shake out... I thought I had one more than I actually do.

    Gunner76... I might be able to get you a Hex 70 single layer to try pushing that. The original Mark tested was one of these so 300+ is possible here, but out of caution I bumped anyone past 275 to the double 1.7. If you're willing trying to see where/how that holds up when pushed to the limits of the fabric. The bars would be fine, the question would be if that's too much stress on the Hex70.

    Tomme Boy- looking like you're going to miss out on this one.

    And that should be pretty much the end of the first 50 of these I've made then... For sure the double layers will be gone.

    The end goal is to get 90-120 nights of actual field testing on a good dozen or more bridges before I go too nuts. It's a good hammock and clearly a "working" design at this point. However the same cautions I give to others making bridges I apply to myself. It's possible to put a pretty large load in just about anything once, or even for 48 hours. So a static load test or even destruction test wouldn't really help me or the customer much. My experience has shown me that it's the load cycling (getting in and out and laying in it for an hour or more) that ultimately wears out the bridges long term once you get past the initial dead load. Some of the early testers are a good halfway through that process.

    So that's just fancy speak for- I don't feel right selling a product that hasn't been real world tested.

    90-120 nights is a decent benchmark for a reasonable expectation of durability. That's a weekend a month for 4-5 years and a pretty decent life cycle for load bearing gear IMO... especially for the 300lb+ stuff.

    All that said: I have roughly 5-6k hard cash plus free labor invested in these so money coming in is always helpful. There are enough of you asking that I am willing to meet you "halfway". You get a good $100 off, and you agree to hang at your own risk on a beta version with untested long term durability. If you are interested in purchasing one please let me know and I will hold a spot for you/reach out when they are ready. I will probably burn up what ever fabric I have left so I'm not sure how many will turn up. After that I will likely see where the testing is at mid-summer and go from there.

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