Come one, come all, my fellow Diy-ers of the woods!
A synthetic insulation that boasts 1.5 times more warmth than down? These folks can't be serious, right? The miracle insulation is indeed called, Quilter's Dream Puff batting. It comes in many different sizes, ranging from the wee small crib size to the benevolent boastrious king size. Here's a link if you are interested, . After reading the "warmer than down" statement I had to give em a call and get the low down on the down low. Come to find out, this stuff is said to be warmer, "by weight" which is also confusing because it comes in at 3.5-4 oz/yd^2 with only 1/3"-1/2" of loft. I asked the wonderful lady what down fill power was used to test against this fill and she didn't know, but she said the test was conducted 10 years ago by an independent testing facility. My question for you all is, have any of you tried this "miracle" insulation in any of your projects? If so, what did you think? If not, comment anyways on your thoughts.