Hello everyone,

I'm currently in Japan where I can't follow the general advice of "just go to a group hang", also, any mistake will be quite expensive in additional shipping, so please excuse the onslaught of questions.

For my first hammock I'm pretty much set on a 11" RoamingGnome of 1.8 Charcoal Nylon. I'm 185cm and weigh ~75kg. Any comments welcome.

Now for the actual questions:

- What other gear will I need besides the Hammock? I'll need a tarp of course. I have a sleeping bag that I can use as a TQ. I'm not sure about an UQ, see below. Am I missing something else?
- As I said, international shipping costs quite a bit, do you think PapaSmurf would be okay with me sending the other stuff to him and then forwarding everything in one big package to me?
- How long does it usually take from date of order until the hammock arrives? I'll only be in Japan until end of August and I hope that I'll be able to hang here as well, else I'll have to have it send to Germany where by September it's already getting quite cold.
- UQ: I'll likely hang in moderate conditions, definitely nowhere near freezing. The only exception would be that, if I get the Hammock early enough to get aquainted with it beforehand, I would like to spend a night on mt. fuji where it can be close to 0°C even in summer. What do you think, pad, homemade PLUQ, fullsized UQ?

Thank you all in advance,
bw, Tobl