@Sipperphoto when I get the bugnet I'll report back.

I also camp where mosquitoes are as big as birds.. It seems anywhere there is water, our friends like to join us lol.

One item that I wish was a little different with my Superior Gear Hammock and the Dutchware Chameleon is where the mosquito netting comes up under the hammock fabric on the ends of the hammock. This actually is an inferior design in my opinion to an all encompassing bugnet. However, I really love the zippers on both of those hammocks. Nothing is perfect, so as long as no mosquitos get in I'm good. My daughter and I last year were joined by ants in those hammocks which got in via the opening. She was not happy, I just escorted them out. This year we are going to add batting or velcro as well as soaking the bugnets in permethrin and I may get her a second bug net to make her happy. Going to the extreme I know.

Good luck on your next purchase whichever way you decide to go.