Put the sewless pole mod on my Superfly at the Newton Big Bird model airplane fly in this weekend.

I used my new Tablecloth Dbl hammock with a wally world pad in it and my normal insulated blanket. Wunderground says the low was 44 degrees BUT when we got up, those that had their airplanes out and uncovered had ice on their wings, so I think it was a bit cooler in our area or at least there was a goodly cold breeze a blowin. I woke up at 2ish to answer natures call and again at 6:45 to get the day going, it was warmer at 6:45 judging by my nose but I don't recall a single shiver myself and I have shivered here before. I did bring back my tie downs to bring the sides closer to the ground after I took this picture. It made it through the winds of the day which really weren't more then 10mph. I used Coleman poles from the discount isle at Walmart, but I think I'll go find some thinner poles as these are way to stout for the job, though they do the job. Lotsa room under that dome.

Can't believe it but that is one of the only 3 pictures I took. There were a bunch of planes but I guess I was just too busy having a good time. Bad videographer Mr Clean. Here is a picture of my buddies "SloBoat", the RX eviently was a suspected bad RX. Confirmed!

Just your average 30 cents of plastic with about 25 bucks of gear in it. Tis a silly thing.