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  1. #1
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    HH Tarp Problems.

    I bought the HH ultra-light explorer and the tarp it comes with sucks! It barely covers. If there's so much as a little wind "game over".. -- does anyone feel my pain with this one.

    Now I need to get a new tarp before I thru the entire AT..

    Here's my problem ( " I have no Idea what to get" ) The MacCat looks good.. but what will work the best?

    I wrote HH and told them that their "stock tarp" is simply not big enough and that I have read multiple complaints about it on different forums after I bought it of course.. They said I could exchange it for a larger version called the Hex and of course pay the difference. Does anyone have experiance with this one the "Hex" . The HH company now lacks credibility on my part what if that one sucks to?

    I just wish there was somewhere I could go to actually see these set ups.. Buying things site unseen/untested is not my bag... I know theres a campout at the end of Jan. but I'am not sure if I be able to make it..

    Ok as much advice on this one as possible please.....

  2. #2
    Member Hana Hanger's Avatar
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    The HEX is will appear to look to small as well...but I have never gotten wet...and where I live I am in the rain daily.

    But I did buy the 9 x 9 camo tarp from Sportman's just to have more room to cook under and store my scooter out of the rain etc...

  3. #3
    Senior Member blackbishop351's Avatar
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    The stock HH tarps are definitely too small IMHO. I got a Sportsman's Guide 9x9 a while ago because it was cheap, and it worked well - but heavier than I liked (about 1.5 lbs.).

    Then I made a MacCat knockoff and I love it. It's about 12' long and 11' wide, hex, and cat cut on all six sides. It gives me a TON of coverage and it only weighs 13.6 oz.

    If you can sew, buy some sil and experiment. It's a lot of fun and very rewarding. You can get black sil from Ed Speer for $4/yd., so it's not the end of the world if you make a mistake.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member txulrich's Avatar
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    I also felt that the stock HH tarp was insufficient. I ended up with a MacCat Deluxe and love it. Exchanging the stock tarp for the hex and paying the difference sounds like a real bargain and prolly your cheapest option short of making one yourself.

    HH has a very good reputation for excellent customer service. In most instances they will bend over backwards to see the customers satisfied.

  5. #5
    Senior Member The Breeze's Avatar
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    i to have seen this at hh they gave me snake skins and a shirt on a returned hhul can't beat them if it will just get here!!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Just Jeff's Avatar
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    Plenty of people have done just fine with the stock HH tarps...not much room to cook or dress and not very comfortable, but with proper site selection and pitch it's adequate. Sgt Rock went through a hurricane with his.

    But if you want more comfort (like most of us), there are several options. The HH Hex is one, and probably your cheapest if you take his offer. I haven't used these tarps but I've seen them - they're very roomy, if a bit heavier than some other options, and the ones I saw seemed to be well-made. The MacCats are awesome and pitch MUCH tighter than the Hex, and you can pick your size. I use the Standard and haven't gotten wet in the rain...others here like the huge Deluxe. Brian, who posts here and on several other forums, makes the MacCats. And JRB (made by Peter Pan and Smee) offers an 8x8 that gives an 11+' ridgeline and plenty of room for cooking and changing, plus keeps the ground pitching options of a square tarp.

    And there are plenty of non-hammock-specific tarps that will work fine. A standard 8x10, for example.

    So I wouldn't be quite so hard on HH - the tarp has been proven adequate by lots of users, and Tom H. doesn't claim that the stock tarps are large and comfortable...just that they'll keep the hammock dry when pitched correctly. So if you want more than "adequate," and many of us are with you on that one, then it's a personal decision rather than a shortcoming of Hennessy Hammocks. But that's the beauty of this kind of gear - you can customize it however you want to. And a bigger tarp is one of the options many of us choose.

    JMHO, of course.
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  7. #7
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    I started out with an HH explorer ultralight. I do not posses the skills needed to stay dry in wind driven rain. I spent a couple light rain nights in, but nothing close to what Rock has.

    I upgraded to the McCat Deluxe. This is a very well made tarp. One of these days I am going to finish a DIY tarp just because, but I think the McCat will hold up for my thru and then some.

    I have since upgraded IMO from the HH to a DIY hammock. The HH is comfortable and a good all in one hammock, but not for me. But that is another thread.
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  8. #8
    Peter_pan's Avatar
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    JJ states it pretty well....

    Would add that weight, cost, and ease of pitch figure right after coverage, especially on a long or thru hike... on these counts JRB 8x8 beats all but the mac cat micro.

    But, I'm biased.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member Seeker's Avatar
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    I'm probably one of the minority of hangers who prefer the stock HH tarps.

    I have the original tarp that came with my HH ULBA, and it works just fine. I've survived some pretty intense Louisiana downpours, with some kick-V$$ winds, and was high and dry. And I was here during SGT Rock's hurricane, though not camped out in it. His story is what sold me on the HH. Someone offered me another "Stock" tarp cheap, so I bought it. Turns out it's about a foot longer than my original "stock" fly, and just about the same width. I'm pleased as can be with it. Coverage is WAY more than adequate now. So before you say "it's too small", try it. Learn how to use it. Set it up in your backyard. Sleep out in the rain. Learn to adjust the sides and slide it back and forth on the support ropes like it's designed to do. It's about 1/3 the weight of my 8 x 10 tarp (7 oz vs 20 oz). I prefer it for solo trips. (And please don't knock Tom Hennessy. He runs a great company.)

  10. #10
    Senior Member FanaticFringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
    I'm probably one of the minority of hangers who prefer the stock HH tarps.

    I have the original tarp that came with my HH ULBA, and it works just fine. I've survived some pretty intense Louisiana downpours, with some kick-V$$ winds, and was high and dry. And I was here during SGT Rock's hurricane, though not camped out in it. His story is what sold me on the HH. Someone offered me another "Stock" tarp cheap, so I bought it. Turns out it's about a foot longer than my original "stock" fly, and just about the same width. I'm pleased as can be with it. Coverage is WAY more than adequate now. So before you say "it's too small", try it. Learn how to use it. Set it up in your backyard. Sleep out in the rain. Learn to adjust the sides and slide it back and forth on the support ropes like it's designed to do. It's about 1/3 the weight of my 8 x 10 tarp (7 oz vs 20 oz). I prefer it for solo trips. (And please don't knock Tom Hennessy. He runs a great company.)

    I'm glad to hear the stock tarp I sold you is working well for ya.
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