Our trip did not go exactly as planned. Weather forecasted for the area proved to dangerous for a safe ferry ride both ways. But as true hammockers we made the best of what we had available.

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Spent the weekend in a rustic cabin my cousin owns. Its nestled deep in the woods and made for a good hang spot.

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Gargoyle and Breck's Thursday night location.

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SR1355 and shogun_8574 hung up near the field on Thursday.

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After the ferry ride got cancelled, we decided to hike the Manistee River Trail before the weather got nasty.

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Otter46544 heading across the "Little Mackinaw" bridge.

We did have fun, in spite of the setbacks. Got to meet some new folks and even recruited a new hammcok hanger who did not know about our forum. It was really ironic that we met a him at the docks and decided to invite him along to the cabin. (we are such a friendly bunch) Turned out he was already a hammock hanger, and diy'd all his gear. He had great innovation even though he did not have any HF input. He sported an attached down hammock and a spreader bar tarp that free-floated on the ridgeline without being staked down to the ground. (hopefully he joins up here?, he fit right in and gabbed gear with the best of us)

Big thanks go out my cousin and her husband for allowing us to hang back at the "Sugar Shack"!

And I'm sure the local gas station/pizza store appreciated the HF economic stimulus we brought them.

Thanks to Trout, Otter, Breck, SR1355, Shogun, and V (the new guy) for pulling together after the ferry ride disaster, and having a good time.

Next time boys....
(at least we are not stranded on the island!)