Hello -

I am new to 4 season hammock camping. Looking to get out into the cold weather in Midwest a few times this winter.

Wondering if I could get feedback on my setup? Did I chose alright?

Hammock- eno single nest
Tarp- chill Gorilla Fortress 2
Underquilt- hammock gear Econ 20 degree fullsized
Top quilt- an older Kelty ultra light down bag rated to 30 degrees. I am going to half zip to create a foot box and ease of entry.

I am thinking of adding a reflective pad or double bubble .

It may be quite cold - as I plan on hanging in the UP of Michigan , northern Wisconsin and possibly y ozark mountains.

Love to get some feedback from you pros out there. Going to be going with a buddy that upgraded to a prospectors tent with a wood stove - I want to be as warm as he is!
