I have been working with Rick from Cave Creek Hammock for the past few months on this new net design to allow a more comfortable camping/backpacking experience for me and my dog.

Rick brought the design together beautifully! He is a skilled designer and craftsman.

This setup allows your dog to lay beneath you, not tied up, bugs remain off of both of you, no critters sneaking around, keeps your gear secured and dry, adds a clean area to change and sort gear. Can't get any better. I recommend the custom tarp net combo to take advantage of the side pulls on the net.

Bad conditions for my video review, but I did it anyways. Cold, snowing, and too close to dark. I added some pictures at the end of this post to aid in seeing how it looks under the tarp in storm mode.

Here is the video review: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...BJ-68qjxO-ftgA
1st Video:

2nd & 3rd Video: (low light so used my iPhone):


1. I am in no way compensated for this product review. I do not work for Cave Creek. This is a collaboration between Rick’s amazing designing and creation skill sets and my semi-original idea for this net system.

2. Sorry for some of the rough audio spots. I need to use a different mount for the camera as every time I switch hands it creates an awful vibration on the audio.

3. It was starting to get dark and cold- my camera batteries were dying. I could not film a proper conclusion or shot from inside the hammock when the tarp was in storm mode. I will do another video of that when I have a nice sunny say so you can actually see on the inside of the tarp.

Ask any questions below on the youtube comments or on hammock forums, I will answer timely, I promise.

If you would like to see something on video specifically, let me know. I would be happy to get into detail on something specific. Again, I will do a video from inside with the tarp in storm more to show the space of the netting on the side. I will post pictures I took of this on the hammock forums as well.

Product Info:
Manufacturer: Cave Creek Hammocks
Owner: Rick
Website: https://squareup.com/store/cave-creek...
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 480-980-3102

Proudly Made in the USA

Pet Palace Specs:
Tub Floor Dimensions: 58” x 45” with 9” sidewall height.
Tub Floor Fabric: 2.2 Hex70 (Charcoal Grey)
Netting Fabric: .9oz NoSeeum
Ridgeline: 10’
Zipper: #3 zipper tape and double pulls
Weight: ~23oz
Options: Side tie outs (either side or both); Short side zipper entry

The Pet Palace is a fully enclosed net tent for hammock camping with your 4 legged friend, or simply keeping your gear fully enclosed. It also offers roomy bug protection for hammockers without an integrated or sock-style bugnet.
The Pet Palace features a durable PU coated(2.2 Hex 70) waterproof floor with corner tieouts, that extends approximately 9 inches up the sidewall where it transitions to a .9 oz noseeum netting.
Shock corded openings on either end of the Grosgrain reinforced ridgeline allow use of various length hammocks (a 10 foot hammock fits completely inside the net)
Standard entry is through a full length "U" shaped door with 2-#3 double tab zipper sliders.

Ponderosa Tarp: Full Coverage (fixed doors)
Fabric: 1.1 silpoly
Ridgeline: 11’
Width: ~9’5”
Weight: 18oz
6 bottom wall tie outs: Line-Lok
4 outside wall tie outs.
4 inside wall tie outs (Custom for Pet Palace)

Additional Pictures: