Although I only got one night in for this hang, I'll start the thread and others can continue the story. image.jpg

Even only being on the fringe, Petro managed to dump 6-8" of fresh snow Wednesday night. TZ Brown and Dogger drove up before the worst of the storm and trekked into GT Wednesday evening. More of us drove in bright and early Thursday morning. The parking lot was slick ice beneath the snow; a bad omen. image.jpg
Loading our pulls, we soon found the footing treacherous with many of us taking our first spills in the parking lot. But the sun came out and the scenery was spectacular. image.jpg
It was a slow walk into the cabin, but we all made it without major trauma and commenced selecting our trees and setting up before attending to camp chores of fire, food and water. TZ and Dogger cut and hauled the first night's worth of firewood allowing the rest of us the chance to relax some. Dogger also heated up his stew, which may have had some cabbage in it, not sure, but it was delicious.
For the majority of us, some having started the day waay early, hiker midnight came soon. I was in my hammock by 9 snuggled in for a long night of blissful slumber. Reported low was between 9 & 5 degrees as the hearty wind settled and the cloud cover cleared. I was pleased to find my Enlighted Equipment 20 degree TQ and JRB Greylock 4 was comfortable down to 10 degrees. I woke early to CBS. Thought about putting on more clothing, but heard Turkey splitting wood in the cabin and decided to head in and start Coffee instead.
Bacon was in plentiful supply and made often.
Midday, a handful of us decided activity, besides collecting firewood, was in order and decided to snowshoe to the nearby Honeymoon Cabin.

Badwind7, our far traveler from Kentucky did his maiden snowshoe trek at this hang. image.jpg
Unfortunately I had to leave after the snowshoeing trek, so others will have to pick up the story from here.